Friday, December 12, 2008

The settlement man

Note: Miles is here :)

Chapter one


A crude stereotype, which is sadly true, the “caveman” is a simple creature, with simple urges. Eat, sleep, and reproduce. These are the things that drive it forwards. It has little to no morals and will do all three of these things with reckless abandon. It eats anything and everything, scarcely stopping to consider it’s waistline, it will sleep in the middle of the day, without a thought about all the cleaning that needs to be done and of course he will reproduce, without a moments consideration for what he may be bringing into the world and, indeed, with whom. However the story told here does not star these uncouth savages. We have business with a better class of homo sapiens, a new class of man.

They aren’t cavemen of course, to be a caveman one must live in a cave. The problem is public perception, smallprimitivesettlementman doesn’t have quite the same ring to it, you see? So caveman it became and caveman became engraved in the public subconscious. Boundaries were set as to what was classed as a caveman and without things like an accurate description it soon became a piece of “common knowledge.”The man in question broke the boundaries of pre-historic civilisation; the social norm did not exist to this man. He was an inventor, an explorer, a linguistic genius and much, much more. Without him, we would still be sat in a dank cave somewhere, fondly thinking of the animal we killed and ate today and falling asleep in the middle of the day. Like savages. We are, of course, much better off for if we were in that situation, most of you, would be dead. I do not think that the type of people who read this particular type of thing, usually have the strength and agility that is required for this sort of a life.

A strange word, Ugg, it is the very foundations of language as we know it, yet we have never known what it means. A strange word indeed. We know of what it becomes though. From “Ugg” to “Ugh” it has slowly changed, we assume over the ages. “Ugh” to “Huh”. The truth is of course that it all happened over five or ten minutes. “Huh” to “Hi” it became what it is today. A greeting. Intelligence, sparked in even the most primitive of life, can do a lot for a young race, unsteady on their feet as they travel through thick forests. How else will they make shelter? Fire? Food? As soon as this stage is done though, most races settle down, they are happy like this. They satisfy all their primal needs, they have no reason to change now and why should they? They are fine, fine as they are.

We visit a small community, sitting on what will one day be known as a beach. It is here that we see this man, this visionary, at his most vulnerable. He was not always as he is known to be. Once upon a time he was a mindless peon as well, toiling in the sun to catch food for the village. Sleeping, eating, reproducing. One day of course that all changed, fantastic isn’t it? The change just one person can make to the world.


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