The glorious PC master race
My ascent into the ranks of the master race of gaming began one dark August night, as my first windows computer since I was 11. Since then my gaming thirst had been quenched by the combined might of the Xbox 360 and the Nintendo Wii and my computer ran on Mac OS. Surely, by now, many of you will have stopped reading and ran off, screaming and ranting of Macfags and consoletards or some such nonsense. Of course; this article talks about how I went from this to how I am now, which is equipped with a decent PC and gaming my way to certain social death. This, is an exaggeration, you will need to get used to that concept, I use it often.
My PC currently has a variety of games on it but I am mostly playing TF2. You see, I was, until recently, playing this on the Xbox 360 and the leap from console to PC, in this case at least, is amazing. The unlockable content is all available, the game has been patched, the community plays better and are more friendly occasionally. It was glorious. As I have said before, the master race.
Top notch work as usual, google.

The Xbox version, by comparison; looks far, far worse. Glitches have spread like bacteria and multiplied, the unlockables are no where to be seen, we are left with the 5 or so maps that TF2 had when it very first came out and last and probably worst, the userbase is made up of people from Xbox live. I have it from an extremely reliable source that Xbox live kids are the same people responsible for youtube comments and yahoo answers.
Yep. These guys.
I’m not saying that either side is better of course and if you read the title or rest of the article, that seems like a lie. I assure you it isn’t. The reason I think this way is probably just because the few games I wanted to play a lot were simply quite a lot better on PC. TF2, Oblivion and a lot of Xbox games. You may be wondering why I mentioned the Wii once up there then abandoned it. It failed me, let it never darken my television again.